USES Family Resource Center
USES (Uniontown & Sturgis Elementary Schools) Family Resource Center
Located in both Sturgis Elementary (270-333-9049) & Uniontown Elementary (270-822-9151)
Ashley Sisco - Director
Bridgette Willett - Assistant
· The primary goal of USES (Uniontown & Sturgis Family Resource Center) center is to remove nonacademic barriers to learning as a means to enhance student academic success.
Each center offers a unique blend of programs and services determined by the needs of the population being served, available resources, location and other local characteristics.
FRYSCs have established a record of success based on improved student performance in class work, homework and peer relations as reported by teachers. Parents, too, report they experience greater satisfaction and involvement with the
schools as a result of assistance through their local FRYSCs.
To enhance students’ ability to succeed in school by developing and sustaining partnerships that promote:
- Early learning and successful transition to school;
- Academic achievement and well-being; and
- Graduation and transition into adult life.
- Families in Training- Providing Tools for Families in Need
- Parent and Child Educational & Supports Material/Resources
- Support and Training Information for Child Day Care Providers
- Referrals to Eliminate Health Barriers
- Health Services and Referrals to Health Services
- Helping Families Ensure Basic Needs are Met
- Positive Recreation – During School and Summer Break
- Referrals for Mental Health Services
Ashley Campbell - Director