On Monday, November 4th, UCPS Superintendent visited all schools to hand out SMOVER bracelets to all staff members as a reminder to SMOVE (Smile + Move) each day.  At the end of the day, Sheffer sent the following message to all staff:




Today, I visited all schools and handed out UCPS SMOVERbracelets to our staff members.  These bracelets are for you to wear as areminder that we all are SMOVERS.  No matter the circumstance, each day wecan choose to SMOVE.  Below is a declaration of contribution that I maketo myself each day-- I hope you join me in this declaration:


  • I will make good things happen for other people; for those here now and those who come after us.
  • When things get tough and I fall short, I will remind myself I can accomplish anything with time, effort, patience, and resilience…anything.
  • When my situation is not the best, I will do the best with what I have.
  • I will be resourceful and responsible.
  • I will get over myself and expect more of myself.
  • I will be obligated to this world and the people in it.
  • I will choose to be committed.
  • I will choose my life by the choices I make.
  • I will give more. I will enjoy more.


Let's keep SMOVING!